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Affordable Group Health Insurance Options for Independent Contractors

Get essential health benefits for independent contractors with no copay, no deductibles, no claims to file and no charge for spouse/dependents.

With the rise of the gig economy, more professionals are choosing to work as independent contractors. However, securing health insurance in this flexible work environment can be challenging. Fortunately, there are several affordable group health insurance options available for independent contractors that provide comprehensive coverage without breaking the bank.

Why Group Health Insurance Matters for Independent Contractors

Being an independent contractor offers unparalleled flexibility and freedom, but it often means forgoing traditional employment benefits such as health insurance. Group health insurance is a cost-effective solution that can provide essential protection against high medical costs. It enables independent contractors to access better coverage options than individual plans, often at lower premiums.

Understanding Group Health Insurance

Group health insurance is a type of health coverage that provides health benefits to a group of people, typically employees of a company or members of an organization. For independent contractors, group health insurance plans can be accessed through professional associations, freelancer unions, or industry-specific groups.

Options for Independent Contractors

Professional Associations and Unions

Many professional associations and labor unions offer group health insurance plans to their members. These plans are designed to cater to specific industries, providing tailored coverage that addresses the unique needs of independent contractors within that field.

Freelancer and Gig Worker Platforms

Platforms such as the Freelancers Union offer group health insurance plans to their members. These plans can be more affordable and provide ample coverage compared to individual health insurance policies available on the open market. Additionally, these platforms often negotiate competitive rates with insurance providers, making quality health care more accessible.

Health Insurance Marketplaces

Both state and federal health insurance marketplaces provide an avenue for independent contractors to join group plans. By pooling their risk with other enrollees, these marketplaces can offer beneficial rates and coverage options. It’s advisable to compare different plans on these exchanges to identify the one that best meets your needs and budget.

Tips for Choosing the Right Plan

Selecting the right group health insurance plan involves careful consideration of several factors:

  • Coverage Needs: Evaluate your specific health needs and those of your dependents. Ensure the plan offers comprehensive coverage for routine care, emergencies, and any ongoing treatments.
  • Cost: Compare the premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket maximums. Look for a plan that provides an optimal balance between affordability and benefits.
  • Provider Network: Verify that your preferred healthcare providers and hospitals are included in the plan’s network to avoid additional out-of-network costs.
  • Plan Flexibility: Choose a policy that offers flexible terms in case your circumstances change, such as transitioning to a different platform or scaling your operations.


While the search for reliable and affordable group health insurance for independent contractors can seem daunting, viable options are available. By leveraging the resources of professional associations, freelancer platforms, and health insurance marketplaces, independents can access comprehensive and cost-effective coverage. Carefully assess your needs, compare plans, and select the best option to ensure health security while enjoying the benefits of an independent work lifestyle.

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Established in 2015, BasiCare Plus® was designed to serve a growing number of under-insured and uninsured. Today we provide individual and bundled benefits all over the country serving small, medium and large businesses. 

BasiCare Plus® products are offered in multi-employer groups, associations and staffing organizations, and now, individual families. Our products provide a very high value for a very low cost.

Our bundled services are made up of six unique products including three virtual professional services and three custom Rx programs. Custom bundling and standalone purchases are available.


BasiCare Plus®, 201 East Liberty Street Suite 100, Wooster, Ohio 44691
