On-Demand Doctors: Helping Fight the Rise of Mycoplasma Pneumonia
Call one of our On-Demand Doctors when your children are sick: with no cost to you!
Employer Perks: Workplace Wellness Competitions and Perks
Basicare plus has partnered with Workplace Wellness to provide employer perks through competitions in their …READ MORE
Benefits of College Students and On-Demand Care
College life is full of exciting opportunities, but it also comes with its fair share …READ MORE
Chronic Disease: What BasiCare Plus has to Offer for Chronic Care
There are approximately 129 million American’s living with at least one chronic disease in America: …READ MORE
Mental Health and Agriculture
Have you ever heard the saying, “Farmers are the backbone of America?” At BasiCare plus, …READ MORE
Working Out From Home: Prioritize Your Health with Convenience and Comfort
It can be tough to find time to workout and eat healthy, but with our bundles you will have access to a full health and wellness app.
Counseling and College Move-in: Keeping Your Mental Health in Check
The moment has finally arrived—parents all over the country are packing up cars and heading …READ MORE
Cold and Flu season: Back to School, Back to Germs?
Whether summer brought your family vacations, family movie nights, or late nights and sleeping in, …READ MORE